North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society

Minutes of the Executive Council Meeting April 29, 2004

Holiday Inn Express, Meeting Room A-B

970 25th Ave., Coralville, IA. 52241

Jeff Brunette, Tim Donakowski, Ken Kerns, Cathy Knox, Irene Patrek, Dan Miron and Dan McGrane.

Note:  A copy of the executive meeting agenda can be found at the end of this report.

Called to order at 7:35 P. M. by President Irene Patrek.

1.)   September 25, 2003 Executive Council Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

2.)     Dan McGrane presented Secretary/Treasurer's report.  It was accepted and approved.

Checkbook balance:  $2,424.42
Money Market fund:  $14,677.49
Total balance:  $17,101.91

75% of the total membership dues for 2004 were received by the April 30, 2004 Fall meeting.  Constant budget items are the $500.00 Science Teacher Award, the travel stipend of $300.00 (if the teacher comes to the meeting), the $500.00 Wissink memorial speaker expense and around $1,000.00 per meeting for lunches and breaks.

3.)     We reviewed the affiliate coordinator's report from Chris Kessler.  There are 16 affiliates members.  Spring meeting sponsors are; Global Dosimetry represented by Tom Chwierut, Image Technology Inc. Barbara Johnson and Al Fredrich, RPI with Al Ecker and the Illinois Institute of Technology sent literature.  A total of $550.00 was collected from our sponsors.  A copy of the Affiliate Member Report is on file with the secretary/treasurer.

4.)     Irene received four CEC credits each for the spring and fall 2003 meetings from the AAHP.  She will submit the spring meeting for credits as soon as possible.  Cathy suggested looking into submitting the meeting agenda to other organizations so members might receive credit from those organizations.  Ken Kerns submitted the request for CECs.

5.)     Laurie Taylor is host for our spring meeting at Oakdale Hall on the University of Iowa.  Irene Patrek reviewed the slate of speakers on the meeting agenda.  The meeting begins at 8:00 AM with registration and will conclude around 4:00 PM.  Dan Miron will complete the Newsletter write up for the meeting.

Old Business:

1.)     Science and Education Committee:  As of the meeting date, no applications for Science Teacher Award have been submitted.  Cynthia Horn, via a letter to Irene, petitioned the board to re-design the Science Teacher Award form.  A motion was received, seconded and the vote was unanimous to have the form redesigned.  Cynthia and Irene will help in the re-design and may solicit the help of Steve Schultz, former STA recipient.  Cynthia also suggested we pay for a membership in a state science teacher association.  We discussed the idea and tabled it for now.  A long discussion regarding the lack of a Science Teacher Workshop for our chapter ensued.  There seems to be plenty of resources out there, Janet Silsby did a good job gather data for teacher credit from the five states but we can’t seem to get organized and have a STW.  Ken suggested that we are all too busy and that we might need to bring in a one-time consultant to set the workshops up and get us going.  This idea will be brought before the members at the business meeting.

2.)     Venues Committee (Ad Hoc):  Jan Braun, Ann Harri and Dan McGrane met with Sue Burk and Lori Strong on March 24 & 25 for a site review of both Mpls. and St. Paul.  As of April 26, 04 a contract with the city of Minneapolis is being finalized.  The national convention will be held in Minneapolis from July 10 through the 16, 2009 in the new section of the Minneapolis Convention Center.  The Minneapolis Hilton will again be the convention hotel.

3.)   Homeland Security Committee (Ad Hoc):  The last six months have been quiet with no major changes and or developments.  Most states are not using HDR opting instead to use available grant money and buy new equipment.

4.)     Chapter Council Meeting:  Irene brought up attendance at the Chapter Council Meeting held at the national conference in July.  Dan McGrane committed to attending that meeting.

New Business:

1.)     HPS Awards and Offices:  No new award nominations have been submitted to Irene.

2.)     New Member Applications:  The executive council approved two new individual memberships received in the last six months.  The new members are; William C. Diamanti, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND and Robert J. McTaggart, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

3.)     Ballots were opened and tallied.  The president-elect for 2004/2005 is Jeffrey Brunette, the two new council members are Nancy Farrington and Marcum Martz.  The Amendments to the By-Laws passed unanimously.

4.)     The location of the fall chapter meeting has not been determined.  River Falls was suggested.  Members of the executive committee will be soliciting the membership for a host location.

Other Business:


No other business


Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel J. McGrane, NCCHPS Secretary/Treasurer



North Central Chapter

Health Physics Society


Executive Council Meeting

April 29, 2004

Holiday Inn, Coralville, Iowa


1.  Call to order.

2.  Approve agenda.

3.  Review minutes Sept. 26, 2003 meeting.

4.  Secretary/Treasurer report.

5.  Affiliate Coordinator report.

6.  CEC update. 

a.      2003-04-013 NCC Spring Seminar 4 cr

b.      2003-09-005 NCC Fall Seminar 4 cr

7.  Spring meeting details. 

a.      Laurie Taylor hosting at U of I, Oakdale Research Center, Oakdale. 

b.      Ken – review speakers. 

c.      Begins at 8 a.m. with registration.  Ends at about 4:00 p.m.

d.      Newsletter write-up.


Old Business

1.  Science & Education Committee update.

a.      No applicants for STA.

b.      Cynthia Horn may revise the application process.

2.  NCCHPS committee assignments

a.      Venues

b.      Homeland Security

3.  Other


New Business

1.  Nominations for HPS awards and offices.

2.  New member applications.

3.  Count ballots.

4.  Fall meeting location.

5.  Other